Katy Perry
New York dries your lips out, we it dries mine and like a klutz i left my lipsalve at home. So when I was in a little newsagents and saw a bowl of chapstick I took advantage of my good fortune. Little did I know I was buying a cherry chapstick. There was nothing to give it away or anything. Oh well, if Katy Perry ever kisses me, she might like it.
Ostensibly he was drying his hands but the way he used his coat to hide what he was doing and the furtive glances he shot around suggested he was drying something else altogether.
As many of you know my right ankle is fucked ( that is the technical term for it.) I love walking, exploring a new city or an old city. But the two don't sit well together. So for this trip I bought a collapsible walking stick. Little did I know that this stick would help me jump the queues at JFK. So you want VIP treatment, get a walking stick.
Last time I came to the States pubs were off limits. despite the fact both me and Vaughan had earned our hard earned stripes back home, we coukdn't get served for love nor money in the US of A. We tried, of course we tried, but we got ided more times than a ... Well a person who gets ided a lot. This time I've not been ided once, not once. Have they slackened the rules these days?
Yesterday I was asked if I'd fallen intio the old NYC cliche of wanting to stay and live here. I've had a brilliant time in a brilliant place but as I was walking home last night I realised it was time to go home home.
100 Days of Grumpiness blog - Doomed to staycations
Before I went to NYC, I wrote three imagined diary entries, for my short story blog. Find them here, here and here. In these I imagined certain parts of my trip and wrote the diary entry from my imagination knowing I would find out for real in a few days time.
My problem is they were too good, I mean too close to the truth, what I imagined would happen, did happen. They were uncannily accurate. This depresses me somewhat. Those who know me will know there is a certain miserly part of my brain. So next time I decide to go somewhere on holiday, San Fran, Tokyo, Rio, my miserly brain might argue it's not worth spending the money when I can live the experiences vicariously through my stories. It's quite a compelling argument really, why travel half away around the world when you can sit at home and experience it? After all you travel for work, staying home might be nice, see now the tired of travelling part of my brain is getting in on the act. Hey think of the cholesterol you wouldn't eat - aargh my health conscious part of my brain is weighing on the side of old miser too. And think how tired your ankle was - oh god the anti-holiday coalition is taking over my brain, I’m doomed to staycations for the rest of my life.
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